The government wants to radically limit the right to collective disputes and strikes!
We are outraged by the amendment to the Act on Solving Collective Disputes planned by the government ( and call on immediate withdraw. It is an attempt to weaken nonpartisan trade unions and an...
Remote work is prone to overtime – we demand the right to disconnect!
A discussion on the Remote Work Act is ongoing. Many important elements have been mentioned so far, but one, crucial for us, is still overlooked. International experience shows that employees performing their duties remotely work longer than people present at the...
The President of Sii Poland and the owner of the FC Polonia Warsaw unlawfully dismisses our trade unionist, disregards Polish law, and attacks French law
In November 2022, our trade union in Sii Poland, was established, and Krystian Kosowski was selected as its chairman. Shortly after the union was established our chairman wrote an email to his colleagues to encourage them to join newly created union and fighting...
Our unionized caregiver in Germany wins the process with the job agency for establishing the employment relationship and compensation!
A Polish caregiver associated in our union in Germany legally wins the lawsuit against the employment agency Soft Care 24 Stunden! The court found that the parties were bounded by an employment relationship, not a civil law contract, and decided that the agency was to...
The fight continues – a summary of our actions in 2022
It has been a difficult year for employees around the world – the last 12 months have been dominated by inflation, war, the government's anti-labour policies and many regulations harmful to workers. But at the same time, our trade union grew rapidly. In 2022, about...
We demand more extensive right to strike!
We call for the extension of the constitutional right to workers' strikes. Pursuant to Art. 59 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, point 3 "Trade unions shall have the right to organize workers' strikes or other forms of protest subject to limitations...
Związkowa Alternatywa (The Alternative Union) is a nationwide trade union federation that brings together both individuals and trade unions.
The Alternative Union is a grassroots initiative that wants to bring a new quality to the Polish trade union movement. We were established in June 2019, and since then we are active in all industry sectors and all over the country. The management board of the organization consists of four people, chairperson Piotr Szumlewicz and vice-chairperson Ilona Garczyńska, Agata Jagodzińska and Tomasz Ozimkiewicz. The same number of members sits in the audit committee: Olga Macherska, Jacek Wolszczak, Julian Mastalerz and Kazimierz Milewski.
Our organization was created to fight mass labour rights violations, the gigantic scale of “junk contracts” along with employment instability, huge income inequalities, low wages in the budget and self-government sectors.

We are also tackling the scourge of the Polish labour market, which is the late payment of wages and the illegal imposition of non-permanent contracts. That’s why we are calling for the mandatory interest rate for late payment of wages at 0.5% of outstanding pay per day. We demand the elimination of non-standard contracts wherever statutory criteria for full-time employment are met. We are also pushing for 2.5 times higher wages for working on Sundays and holidays than for working on weekdays.
We are a fully transparent trade union and we are in favour of payroll disclosure. Nor are we afraid to talk about the dysfunctions present in trade unions. We founded a new trade union organization because we are concerned about the deteriorating condition of the Polish trade union movement. In our opinion, trade unions in Poland should be stronger but also should take on more responsibilities. That is why we are presenting a new framework for the functioning of the trade union movement. We believe that full-time unionists should have the same rights as labour inspectors and the whole economy should be covered by industry collective bargaining agreements.
We want to unify those segments of the labour market where, until now, trade unions did not exist like security, caretakers, or catering. In this field, the key challenge for us is to reach out to dispersed workers, to unify them, and to provide them with institutional assistance.
We are also very critical towards the current government and strongly oppose cronyism, nepotism, mismanagement in state-owned companies and public institutions as well as the destruction of the rule of law.
Trade Union Objectives
Związkowa Alternatywa