We complaint about the President of ZUS Gertruda Uścińska to the International Social Security Association.
We wrote to International Social Security Association regarding anti-employee activities of the president of ZUS, Gertrude Uścińska.
We are critical of the government’s anti-inflationary shield
We are critical of the government's anti-inflation plan. We are calling for a holistic, fair change in the labor market and an improvement in the quality of public services, instead of chaotic, ineffective attempts to patch holes in a badly functioning system. First,...
National Revenue Office does not allow its employees to make extra money at the pizza place
National Revenue Administration employees earn so little money that they are forced to get side jobs after hours. Therefore, more and more officials are sending letters to their superiors asking for permission to take on additional jobs, for example, in trade or...
Personal Data Protection Office (PDPO): There is no legal basis to conduct employee evaluation based on Facebook posts.
Personal Data Protection Office has decided that LOT Polish Airlines had no legal basis to evaluate one of the flight attendants, who was a member of the Cabin and Flight Crew Trade Union, based on her Facebook activity. At the same time, PDPO ordered the company...
The Supreme Court refused to accept LOT Polish Airlines’ appeal. The strike was legal!
The failure of management of LOT Polish Airlines. The Supreme Court refuses to accept the company's appeal. LOT Polish Airlines wanted to prove that the strike in 2018 was illegal, but the Court of Appeal rejected the company's position, and the order of the Supreme...
Industrial Action of Union Alternative in Tax Offices
Trade union "Union Alternative in National Revenue Administration" held an industrial action in the last week of the 2021 tax year. The employees participating in the action stopped serving taxpayers every day from April 25th to May 2nd between 12.00 and 12.15....
Związkowa Alternatywa (The Alternative Union) is a nationwide trade union federation that brings together both individuals and trade unions.
The Alternative Union is a grassroots initiative that wants to bring a new quality to the Polish trade union movement. We were established in June 2019, and since then we are active in all industry sectors and all over the country. The management board of the organization consists of four people, chairperson Piotr Szumlewicz and vice-chairperson Ilona Garczyńska, Agata Jagodzińska and Tomasz Ozimkiewicz. The same number of members sits in the audit committee: Olga Macherska, Jacek Wolszczak, Julian Mastalerz and Kazimierz Milewski.
Our organization was created to fight mass labour rights violations, the gigantic scale of “junk contracts” along with employment instability, huge income inequalities, low wages in the budget and self-government sectors.

We are also tackling the scourge of the Polish labour market, which is the late payment of wages and the illegal imposition of non-permanent contracts. That’s why we are calling for the mandatory interest rate for late payment of wages at 0.5% of outstanding pay per day. We demand the elimination of non-standard contracts wherever statutory criteria for full-time employment are met. We are also pushing for 2.5 times higher wages for working on Sundays and holidays than for working on weekdays.
We are a fully transparent trade union and we are in favour of payroll disclosure. Nor are we afraid to talk about the dysfunctions present in trade unions. We founded a new trade union organization because we are concerned about the deteriorating condition of the Polish trade union movement. In our opinion, trade unions in Poland should be stronger but also should take on more responsibilities. That is why we are presenting a new framework for the functioning of the trade union movement. We believe that full-time unionists should have the same rights as labour inspectors and the whole economy should be covered by industry collective bargaining agreements.
We want to unify those segments of the labour market where, until now, trade unions did not exist like security, caretakers, or catering. In this field, the key challenge for us is to reach out to dispersed workers, to unify them, and to provide them with institutional assistance.
We are also very critical towards the current government and strongly oppose cronyism, nepotism, mismanagement in state-owned companies and public institutions as well as the destruction of the rule of law.
Trade Union Objectives
Związkowa Alternatywa